North Dakota Securities Department Offers Resources to Help You Achieve Your Financial Goals and Learn about Investing
Bismarck, ND - The first weeks of the New Year are make it or break it for resolutions to lead a healthier lifestyle in 2012. It's not too late to resolve to improve the health of your finances. North Dakota Securities Department can help you give your investments a check-up.
Investors can avoid most scams by making a simple up-front inquiry, said Karen Tyler, Commissioner. Resolve to call North Dakota Securities Department at 701.328.2910 before you invest to make sure your broker or financial adviser is properly registered and that great investment opportunity being pitched is not a scam.
Visit the North Dakota Securities Department website at to know and understand your rights as an investor. North Dakota Securities Department offers online resources that outline the risks of investing in today's markets and how to protect yourself from scams and frauds.
Education is the best defense against investment fraud, Karen Tyler, Commissioner said.