Dec 4, 2015 Bismarck, ND -- North Dakota Securities Commissioner Karen Tyler has ordered Kevin D. Wanner, CRD# 1402627, a Bismarck securities and insurance agent, doing business under the trade name, Precision Financial Services, to Cease and Desist from selling fictitious Certificates of Deposit, which purport to represent an investment in an FDIC insured interest bearing account issued by a number of named financial institutions, and from engaging in fraudulent practices in connection with the offer and sale of securities. Wanner allegedly sold the investments, at above current market rates, and placed investor funds in accounts owned and controlled by Wanner for his own purposes.
The Commissioner also ordered the registration of Kevin D. Wanner as a securities agent with Questar Capital Corporation, CRD# 43100, be immediately suspended, pending final determination of the matter, after hearing or opportunity for hearing.
If you have questions about a “Time Certificate of Deposit” or other security that you may have purchased from Wanner, contact the North Dakota Securities Department.
Kelly Mathias, Examinations and Investigations Supervisor
ND Securities Department
600 East Boulevard Avenue State Capitol, 5th Floor
Bismarck, ND 58505-0510
Phone: (701)-328-2910
Toll Free: (800)-297-5124
Fax: (701)-328-2946