Bismarck, ND - More than 20 business, education and professional speakers will participate in the Eighth Annual Invest North Dakota Teachers' Seminar, July 14-18, 2003 at the University of Mary in Bismarck. In addition, teachers will be introduced to innovative curriculum tools that will assist in curriculum planning to assist in introducing personal finance topics to their students. More than 100 elementary and secondary teachers will be attending the 4-day seminar and will have the opportunity to obtain two graduate credits of continuing education.Nationally recognized speakers include Dr. John Hail, making his seventh appearance at Invest North Dakota from Southwest Missouri State University, who will focus his keynote presentation on teaching economics to kids; Susan Beacham, who formed her own company called The Money Savvy Generation will share with the teachers her innovative products to help parents and educators teach the skills of basic personal finance to elementary children and teenagers; Bob Strong, the Executive Director of The Stock Market Game from New York, will teach participants how they can use this educational simulation as a teaching tool in a variety of discipline areas; Seth Willis will make his third appearance at Invest ND from Greeley, CO and share his expertise with the teachers on specialized Internet techniques for the classroom; returning for a repeat engagement at Invest will beDr. Debra Peppers from St. Louis, MO who will share her story of being a highschool dropout and struggling with a 100-pound weight loss to become an English teacher and one of only five inducted into the National Teachers Hall of Fame in 1999; and Chris Black of Utah will conduct a training session on how to use the Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition, written in a student format with accompanying teacher's guide, to excite students about current news and trends.In addition to the already-named speakers, there will be speakers covering topics on investment alternatives, personal retirement through the Teachers' Fund for Retirement, investment fraud, as well as consumer fraud, other personal finance curriculum training sessions on the Stock Market Game and a High School Finance curriculum, and an open discussion with teachers on making personal finance education a reality. Sister Thomas Welder, President of the University of Mary, will close the session on Friday, stated Diane Kambeitz, Conference Coordinator.The cost for the seminar is a modest $50.00 that covers credit recording fees, seminar materials, dormitory lodging (outside of the Bismarck area), and some meals. Applications are being accepted until Monday, July 7. For a registration form, contact the North Dakota Securities Department at (701) 328-2910 or ND Toll Free 1-800-297-5124. An application is also available on their web site at through the education link.